Research Article
Carbon Emission and Footprints of Hospitality Industries in Akure Metropolis, South Western Nigeria
Sunday Oladipo Oladeji*
Bukola Iyanuoluwa Ajayi,
Opeyemi Iyinoluwa Alabi,
Samuel Ohikhena Agele
Isaac Olufunmilayo Ajigbo
Volume 8, Issue 1, June 2024
19 February 2024
19 March 2024
2 April 2024
Abstract: Climate change and global warming have been identified as major threats to the development of existing ecosystem services and local livelihoods. Mitigating greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions has become an urgent global policy trajectory with countries acceding to related Treaties and setting national targets. This forms the basis for undertaken this study with a view to assess and report on the Green House Gas (GHG) emission of some hospitality industries in Akure, Nigeria. Using qualitative methodology, the carbon footprint of thirty hotels was assessed. The hotels were selected based on star ratings and categories. Purposive sampling was used to select the respondents based on management heads of the hotels while the result was presented qualitatively using thematic analysis. Results revealed that the sources of GHGs emissions are constituted by human activities including consumption of electricity, fuel combustion, waste generation and laundry services, of which waste and fuel combustion are the highest factor. Reports also showed that the bigger the hotel in term of star rating and category the higher the carbon and GHG emissions. The evaluated hotels emit significant amount of greenhouse gases each year which is detrimental to environment health, The study recommended further research to assess the applicability of the identified strategies for enhancing environmental performance of hospitality industry and to quantify GHGs emissions from cooling appliance within the hospitality industry in the study area.
Abstract: Climate change and global warming have been identified as major threats to the development of existing ecosystem services and local livelihoods. Mitigating greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions has become an urgent global policy trajectory with countries acceding to related Treaties and setting national targets. This forms the basis for undertaken this s...
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Research Article
The Impact of Brand Value Factors on Online Booking Intention of Domestic Tourists in Nha Trang City, Vietnam
Nguyen Long Tram Anh*
Volume 8, Issue 1, June 2024
25 March 2024
10 April 2024
29 April 2024
Abstract: The study clarifies the relationship between brand value and domestic tourists' online booking behavior. There were 450 surveys sent out and 412 surveys were collected. During the data entry and data cleaning process, there were 22 invalid answer sheets. As a result, 390 surveys met the requirements to be used for data analysis. Convenience sampling was used to gather data from 390 visitors who stayed at 15 1 to 2 star accommodations in the city of Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam. SPSS 22.0 is used to analyze to find the optimal research model and determine the level of impact between the variables in the model. The researcher conducted Cronbach's alpha reliability analysis and EFA exploratory factor analysis to measure and test the convergence of variables. Besides, the researcher conducted regression analysis to test research hypotheses and research models. Finally, there is the T-test and Anova test. The research’s results show that brand awareness, brand image, perceived quality and brand loyalty have, from high to low, impacts on the online booking intention of domestic tourists. In particular, brand awareness has the most positive impact on the online booking intention of domestic tourists, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. The results contribute to help hotels better understand the components that impact online booking intentions of domestic tourists in Nha Trang through tourists' perception and behaviors when booking online. Simultaneously, the research propose managerial implications and solutions to improve business efficiency of accommodation establishments.
Abstract: The study clarifies the relationship between brand value and domestic tourists' online booking behavior. There were 450 surveys sent out and 412 surveys were collected. During the data entry and data cleaning process, there were 22 invalid answer sheets. As a result, 390 surveys met the requirements to be used for data analysis. Convenience samplin...
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